Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Support Mask Mandates?

No. I believe in individual freedom and personal choice. If wearing a mask makes a person feel protected, they should  go ahead and wear one. If anyone feels as though masks are useless, they should also have the choice to not wear one.

Do I Support Forced Lock Downs,  or  School & Business Closures?

No. Our state was founded on the principles of Individual Rights, Liberty and Freedom.  Our constitutional rights cannot be suspended because a Governor, Mayor or an un-elected Public Health official decides that there is an "Emergency".  The founding fathers knew what plagues and natural disasters were. They did not put a "Rights Suspension" clause in the state or US Constitutions or delegate that power to the executive branch.

Do I Support Mandatory Vaccination?

No. Every person has the right to control what is put into their body. No one should be coerced or forced to have a substance injected into their body as a condition of employment, education, medical treatment, travel or as a prerequisite for engaging in commerce. Parent's have the right to decide what is best for their children in this regard as well.

Do I Support the "Defund the Police" movement?

No. I believe in law & order. I also believe that every officer starts each day wanting to do good and to protect the community they serve. These brave men & women deserve our support.

Do I Support CRT and the tenets of the "1619 Project" being taught in our schools?

No. I believe in what Dr. Martin Luther King said. A person should be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. The 1619 Project promotes the idea that America is an irredeemably racist country that was founded on slavery and cannot be salvaged. I believe that America has provided more opportunity and freedom to more people than all other countries on earth, combined. America was founded on the principles of personal freedom and liberty. Not slavery.  I support the efforts of the 1776 Project.

Do I Support Parental Rights and School Choice?

Yes. Good parents are the backbone of our society. Parents, have the responsibility of teaching children right & wrong, morality vs. immorality, etc. and to decide what is best for their children. This is not the responsibility of the school system. The public school system should be in the business of educating, not pontificating.  If the local public school is not providing what a child needs, the parent should be allowed to find a school that does and all public funding should follow the child.

Do I Support Our 2nd Amendment Rights?

Yes. I am a lawful owner of firearms and I support the RIGHT to bear arms of every lawful firearms owner.

Do I Support Women's Rights?

Yes. Biological males should not be allowed to take advantage of any scholastic opportunity ear marked for women, they should not be allowed to compete in women's sports or enter into any women's  safe space such as locker rooms, changing areas, restrooms, women's shelters, etc.

I support a women's right to choose up to the 15th week of pregnancy.  After 15 weeks, another life is involved and the rights of that life need to be protected. Unless the mother's health is endangered by a pregnancy, or another medically indicated reason is present, abortions after 15 weeks should be prohibited. If a mother's health is endangered by a pregnancy, the decision to bring that pregnancy to term or to terminate it, is a discussion to be had between the mother and her doctor. No one else.

Do I Support the recent 110% increase in Electricity rates?

No, no and HELL NO!!  Why the NH PUC allowed Eversource (A non New Hampshire based utility) to shutdown all natural gas power generation within New Hampshire and have it replaced with out of state sources which include unreliable wind and solar power generation that costs 110% more than the reliable instate gas powered plants is a question that MUST BE addressed and corrected.

Anyone in the NH PUC that approved this plan should resign. Eversource needs to put all of their NH gas powered assets back online or divest all of it's NH holdings and sell them to a company that the BEST serves the interests of the residents of NH. I do not want New Hampshire to become the next Texas where 800+ people freeze to death because ALL of the so called green energy resources failed during a cold snap.