About Me...

I grew up in Billerica, MA.  I moved to New Hampshire in the spring of 2004.
I raised a family (two boys) here in Nashua and I have always appreciated the uniqueness of Nashua and our beautiful state.
In my younger years, I worked in the construction field.
In 1990, I joined UPS and worked as a package car driver for 10 years.
I left UPS in 2000, drove my Harley across the country to Sturgis, SD and then went back to school in order to get a job in the burgeoning high tech industry.

I have been in the High Tech field ever since. I am currently a Senior Analyst for a software company.
In my spare time, I play hockey (yes, I still play at 57), get in a round of golf once a week, hit the gym as often as I can and volunteer my time as president of the condo association that I live in.

I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way.
I believe that we live in the greatest country on earth and that the "American Way" has provided more opportunities and more freedom to human kind than any other country on earth.
America is not perfect, but it has come the closest to perfection of any governmental system known to man.

I believe that America and New Hampshire are currently in a man made economic and social crisis. This crisis is being pushed on the citizenry via Big Tech, self serving politicians and the corporate main stream media.

There are forces in this world that want to destroy the American Way for their own enrichment and in furtherance of their socialist ideals.

These forces own Big Tech, the Main Stream Media and many politicians. Greed & Power is the mantra of these people and the freedom that the "American System" provides stands in their way.

I am one of many that oppose the madness that has occurred over the past two years.

I oppose this man made economic and social crisis that has been foisted upon us by unscrupulous public servants and by the greedy, self serving so called "ruling class".

If elected I will defend "Truth, Justice and the American Way" at every step.

We cannot allow a greedy and evil few, to take down the greatest country the world has even known or to ruin our "Live Free or Die" state of New Hampshire.

We cannot allow, New Hampshire to become North Massachusetts.